I retired in May 2019 to travel the United States to interview people and then post those interviews on YouTube. Initially, I thought of going to places where Democratic candidates would be campaigning. It seemed like an amazing experience to be involved in the whole process from the outset. I was excited to follow and listen to debates, campaign rallies…the works. I hoped to be able to select a candidate and go knock on doors, pass out flyers, sit in diners or whatever to assure my person became the nominee and subsequently President. This should identify me as someone who is not a fan of the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
I changed my mind. I decided that the exercise would be too polarizing for me. I have been involved in politics from an early age. I have a tendency to submerge and become pretty intolerant. I have so many friends and family, loved ones, who are almost diametrically opposite of me in their political views. So, I decided to do something else over the summer.
I did flirt with the idea of visiting and sojourning in sustainable communities around the country before I finally decided to go with the Three Dream Questions Project.
I have posted all of the videos from my “adventure” so far on the site. Selected videos will be posted on this video blog. This blog will be dedicated to Question Number ! of the Three Dream Questions: What are your Hopes and Dreams?
My dream for is to unify and heal myself, and perhaps others, as I listen to and contemplate other people’s dreams.
Here is one of the first Our Dream Place clips.